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Jurassic Pop's Erotic Ep!!! |
28th August 2015 |
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a prehistorically hysterical fierce panda one sheet The Act: JURASSIC POP The Release: 'JURASSIC PARK 5: THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF JEFF GOLDBLUM' The Format: DOWNLOAD EP & LIMITED EDITION SQUARE THEMED 7” VINYL The Release Date: OCTOBER 16TH 2015 The Label: FIERCE PANDA RECORDS
The Digital EP Tracklisting:
The 7” Tracklisting: The Truth, possibly: creeping from the wilds of Isla Nublar crafting 'well-scruffy' pop songs about Jurassic Park (and nothing else). Jurassic Pop have appeared fresh from a few preliminary winter shows, ready to ride the hype of 'Jurassic Park World' and leave the shores of Costa Rica to bring their individual brand of clade Dinosauria to the masses (whether they like it or not). Not for nothing was lead-off track 'Whoever You Are, Whoever You’re With You Must Always Make Time To Get With Jeff' rush-released to tie in with the global launch of the 'Jurassic World' cinematic opus back in June. And not for nothing is the mothership EP - led by the thoroughly ace Ace Of Base-baiting 'All That She Wants (Is Robert Muldoon)' track - crashlanding in the indie jungle on October 16th, cunningly timed to coincide with the 'Jurassic World' DVD release. The ‘Jeff’ in the song is quite obviously Mr J Goldblum, star of the original 'Jurassic Park' franchise. One assumes he would be delighted to hear the snarly, gnarly glampunk thunderings of this EP, not least because Jurassic Pop are the band that time forgot, a land where Showaddywaddy play with The Ramones without them trying to tear eachother to bloodied pieces. And the blooming Goldblum-related lovings don’t end there… Cutting an EP called 'Jurassic Park 5: The Erotic Adventures Of Jeff Goldblum' in the legendary House Of Strange with starry-eyed producer Ash Gardener (Noah & The Whale, Jeremy Warmsley, Thurston Moore) and featuring special guests such as the aforementioned Mr Argos, Sam Duckworth (ex-Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly) and Dan Schrieber (QI), over the course of four tracks Jurassic Pop take on the territory other bands are afraid to tread: namely effusive hatred of treacherous Dennis Nedry, the excitement of seeing a dinosaur eating a shark and, of course, the unbridled lust for Jeff Goldblum.
“Jurassic Pop write songs about Jurassic Park and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE: quite why more bands don’t do that is beyond us.”
“They’re bringing Rexy back – and it’s set to be dino-mite!” –
"The '90s-child charm of the likes of 'Jurassic Park # One' is never in question. And they've got a guitarist with the head of Velicoraptor. Which is nice." Fully funded by shadowy scientists at now-flourishing company InGen, and managed by the benevolent John Hammond, Jurassic Pop will be finally unleashing their vinyl concept EP on fierce panda on there October 16th. Before then they will be touring venues and terrifying local communities with their big teeth, somewhat like this:
OCTOBER 12TH: BRIGHTON Green Door Store |