the sound of a flight of stairs falling down a flight of stairs since 1994


485C are five roustabouts emanating from the far, far Eastern end of the Central Line. They consist of Adam Hume (vocals), Dom Watson (guitar / vocals), Lucas Hunt (drums), Rory McGowan (guitar / occasional vocals) and Sam Watkins (bass / occasional vocals).

Tonight, at the Finsbury in Manor House, newly pandasized 485C head Down to the Park to showcase their newest single, ‘She’ll Lie,’ before it hits the market tomorrow. We, at fierce panda, were lucky enough to get to chat with two members of 485C, Adam Hume and Dom Watson, to get a little insight on the band behind the numbers.

fierce panda: First off, how did you decide on your band name?

Adam: We wanted a conceptual idea, something people have to think about. If people asked about 485C we would just draw a huge question mark.

(Pantone fans will of course instantly recognise 485C as shorthand for pillar box red, ie the colour of the Soviet flag and indeed the tube line which takes them out to faraway East London. 485C just hope that soon that colour code becomes synonymous with their own hectic creative endeavours.)

fierce panda: Now that the business is out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff. What is your angriest animal and why?

Adam: I’ve got quite an angry dog called Morissey, bit of a weirdo. To be honest he’s just a bit misunderstood i think.

fierce panda: Is there a particular song or musical passage that never fails to move you emotionally?

Adam: A song that never fails to move me has to be ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ by Sam Cooke, gets those hairs on the back of your neck tingling.

Dom: Mine would be ‘Many Rivers to Cross’ by Jimmy Cliff. It’s really uplifting and powerful, and his voice is incredible.

fierce panda: You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

Dom: Red, or 485C (shameless advertising).

fierce panda: What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?

Adam: How it would make a really cool music video.

Dom: If I was alone in my car I would probably recline the chair back, listen to Run by Snow Patrol and just turn my brain off for a few minutes (not driving of course)

fierce panda: What’s your favorite ’90s jam?

Adam: There’s a lot of tunes to pick from the 90s but mine’s ‘Still Life’ by Suede, class.

Dom: For me it would be anything off ‘In The Aeroplane Over The Sea’ by Neutral Milk Hotel.

fierce panda: As a band, what is your theme song?

Adam: King Crimson – Indiscipline

fierce panda: What’s your favourite flavour of Skittle?

Adam: Red (See above)

fierce panda: If you were a Star Trek or Star Wars character, which one would it be?

Dom: I’d see Adam and I as Han and Chewie.

fierce panda: If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?

Dom: God – I’m sure he’d like to walk in my shoes for a week.

Adam: I’d like to trade places with Dom and see what’s going on in that mad brain of his.


Now that you’ve gotten a little insight on the minds behind the numbers, make sure to do yourself a favour and come down to the Finsbury to hear the jagged, swaggering, guitar-flinging delight that is ‘She’ll Lie’ live! You will not be sorry you did!